What we learnt about VISIBILITY SCHOOL (Month 1)

What we learnt at #visibiltyschool month 1 can pretty much be summed up in the following list…

I say “show us your teeth” a lot

It wasn’t nearly as scary as some people thought it would be, in fact the lovely ladies haven’t even seen their photos yet but have posted in our private Facebook group about how much they enjoyed the experience.

I have no problems getting up close and personal (mainly sorting out stray hair and cleavages). Boundaries anyone?

Holly Barras really is a Queen (she had two crowns)

I had some serious tattoo envy for one of our lovely ladies

Hayley Forster takes the best selfies

We had not one, but two ladies with actual blue hair. Like cookie monster blue (my favourite).

The cheekiest smile went to Jo Outram, but the best serious face went to Claire O’Meara.

The most scared people also turned out to be the easiest to photograph…

I have managed to bring together the most lovely, coolest collection of women ever…so many different backgrounds and businesses!

So finally….I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you. Seriously, thanks to you I get to do what I love!


——> PS If you’d like to be involved in the next enrolment of VISIBILITY SCHOOL, I’m taking names right now – just scroll down to the bottom of the visibility school page and sign up!

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